I have struggled with chronic pain for many years, due mostly to repetitive
motion/skateboarding and work related injuries. Over the last few years the arthritis pain in my right thumb joint/wrist had become unbearable. I was at first skeptical that laser therapy would help me whatsoever, but even after my 1st visit there was immediate and very noticeable difference. My pain levels were instantly reduced to a point that allowed me to cope, and or completely move on from and forget that I ever had to begin with. From the incredible staff to the soothing environment, Animas Laser Therapy has helped me keep my sh!t together!
motion/skateboarding and work related injuries. Over the last few years the arthritis pain in my right thumb joint/wrist had become unbearable. I was at first skeptical that laser therapy would help me whatsoever, but even after my 1st visit there was immediate and very noticeable difference. My pain levels were instantly reduced to a point that allowed me to cope, and or completely move on from and forget that I ever had to begin with. From the incredible staff to the soothing environment, Animas Laser Therapy has helped me keep my sh!t together!
-Bram J.